Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Six Ways to Lower Hot Water Prices Without Using Cold Showers

Have you ever opened up your energy bill and found it was much higher than you expected? You are not the only one.

There are many ways to save money on hot water. Hot water is responsible for 21% of your home’s energy consumption. Six ways to lower hot water costs in the home. None of these requires you to give up hot showers.

1. Install low-flow showerheads

Water-Saving Shower Head By Tapron

Start by using less hot water or taking shorter showers. You can also reduce your hot water usage in other ways that won't affect your comfort.

Conventional showerheads can use up to 20 litres per minute (L/min) of water. Switching to a low-flow shower head can reduce your hot water consumption.

Low-flow showerheads typically use 7.5 L/min. However, you can also find them that use as low as 5 L/min. These shower heads keep your water pressure in check through their mechanisms.

If you are like the average Australian, who takes a 7-minute shower with hot to cold water at 70/30, your shower could use as much as 105 litres of hot water!

You can reduce this to 36.75 L/min by upgrading to a 7.5L/min low flow shower head. This shower head uses 65% less hot water than a standard one!

2. Reduce dishwasher and washing machine usage to a minimum

It is often said that washing machines and dishwashers use less water than hand-washing. It is true that washing machines and dishwashers use less water than hand-washing, but there are still ways to save money.

First, wait until your laundry is done or the dishwasher is full before you set it up. This will allow you to use less water than if your washing was done by hand. This will help you save electricity.

If you have a lot of laundries to wash, you can save even more money by only using cold water for washing. You can wash your dishes and clothes just as well with cold water, while also reducing the amount of hot water you use.

3. Get the best hot water system for your home

Do you still use an electric hot water heater for your home's heating water? These water heaters can be a source of high energy bills due to their inefficiency.

There are many hot water systems available on the market today. You can reduce your water heating costs by upgrading to a model that is more compatible with your household's needs.

Instant hot water systems are the most efficient models. They heat water as you need it, rather than heating whole storage tanks.

You can choose from electric or gas instant hot water heaters. They are both suitable for every household. Gas is the most cost-effective source of energy in most states.

The hot water tap must be turned on for water to heat up. There may be a delay. These tanks are not ideal for large families because they have a low hot water output. Modern storage tanks can be a great option for larger homes, even though they are less efficient than instant water heaters.

Solar gas-powered storage tanks with solar energy will prove to be the most efficient option in most cases. A gas storage tank can be your next option if solar or instant hot water is not an option.

Next, you should consider the size of your water tank. You'll waste energy heating water that you don't need. Too small a tank will cause you to waste energy. Too little and you will run out of water, and have to wait for the tank to heat up again.

The right hot water system can help you save money.

4. Just set your hot water system thermostat right

It should not be lower than 60 degrees Celsius for a storage tank hot-water heater. You risk the growth of bacteria in your water tank if it is lower than this. You'll pay more for hot water if it is set higher than necessary.

Instant water heaters can set the temperature at 50°C because water isn’t stored in a tank, so it doesn’t pose a risk of growing bacteria.

5. Set your hot water system to heat at off-peak hours using a timer

Another great way to reduce your hot water bills is to run your hot water system off peak. This is when your hot water tank is connected to a dedicated circuit, which is billed at off-peak prices.

To encourage consumers to switch, energy suppliers charge customers off-peak rates. This is to take the pressure off of the system during peak demand.

Off-peak heating is usually not available between 4pm and 8pm when energy demand is at its highest. Water is heated overnight with a lower energy tariff.

This has the main drawback of heat loss from the tank throughout the day. This is particularly true for homes that have a small hot-water tank and very little insulation.

You can also set up a timer that turns your water heater on or off at predetermined times if you don't have off-peak electricity.

6. Keep your hot water heater a running condition

Your hot water heater will eventually become less efficient over time due to general wear and tear. It is important to have your hot water heater serviced annually by a licensed plumber. This will ensure that it lasts longer.

This will help you to identify any faulty parts that could lead to you losing hot water.